ACR1283L is end-of-life already. To inquire about a suitable replacement or pending orders, please contact [email protected].

Drivers for ACR1283L
USB Interface OS Support
MSI Installer for PC/SC Driver  5 MB
Windows® XP, Windows® Vista, Windows® 7, Windows® 8, Windows® 8.1, Windows® 10, Windows® Server 2003, Windows® Server 2008, Windows® Server 2008 R2, Windows® Server 2012, Windows® Server 2012 R2, Windows® Server 2016 R2
PC/SC Drivers  921 KB
Windows® XP, Windows® Vista, Windows® 7, Windows® 8, Windows® 8.1, Windows® 10, Windows® Server 2003, Windows® Server 2008, Windows® Server 2008 R2, Windows® Server 2012, Windows® Server 2012 R2, Windows® Server 2016 R2

Manuals & Datasheets for ACR1283L
Product Presentation

Product Presentation of ACR1283L Standalone Contactless Reader

Technical Specification

Technical Specification of ACR1283L Standalone Contactless Reader

Application Programming Interface

API Driver Manual of ACR1283L Standalone Contactless Reader

Reference Manual

Reference Manual of ACR1283L Standalone Contactless Reader